
hqic – the Quantum Technology Initiative of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg


Develop Hamburg into an international quantum hotspot

The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg promotes quantum technology developments with a focus on quantum computing (QT/QC) in the metropolitan region. With the initiative Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital (hqic), a central, cross-industry contact, coordinator and ecosystem builder of quantum technology activities has been established to further develop the quantum technology ecosystem with a focus on quantum computing in the metropolitan region together with all relevant stakeholders. Hqic coordinates and connects science, business and society, supports knowledge and technology transfer, creates partnerships and visibility for an optimal QT/QC location.
It is implemented by the Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC), in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economics and Innovation, the Ministry of Science, Research, Equality and Districts, and the Hamburg Senate Chancellery.


Create the best framework conditions for an excellent QT/QC site

In order to make optimal use of the manifold potentials of Hamburg as a quantum technology location, close cooperation between actors from science, industry and politics is crucial. Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital contributes to creating optimal framework conditions for the QT/QC location and anticipates the following tasks:

  • Coordination

    A long-term and sustainable expansion of QT/QC activities in the metropolitan region requires close strategic coordination of all actors along the value chain, from science to business and politics. The hqic is the central strategic coordination office of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.

  • Networking

    For a strong industry and science, hqic bundles and connects what belongs together: the research and application side. Knowledge and technology transfer as well as partnerships and cooperation formats between science and industry create a networked and dynamic location.

  • Public Relations

    On a local, national and international level, hqic is a multiplier of the QT activities of the metropolitan region. It communicates the location profile and thus creates visibility and reach for the various QT actors and their activities.

  • QT - Contact Point

    The hqic is a contact point for all concerns in the field of quantum computing – from initial information to cooperation projects, development projects and transfer formats. It supports actors in networking and offers information on the location and future orientation.

Target Audience hqic

Stakeholders from science, business and society

Hamburg Quantum Innovation Capital works together with stakeholders from science and industry to develop Hamburg into an international quantum technology hotspot with a focus on quantum computing. With the involvement of all relevant groups, a sustainable development is to be accompanied, which enables the location to quickly translate new technical breakthroughs into practical applications and to integrate them into the value chain.

  • Science, education and training
  • Research Institutes
  • Startups & Incubators
  • SMEs & Large Enterprises
  • Public Sector
  • Private Sector

Strategy of the metropolitan region

Key factors in the QT ecosystem

In order to position the Hamburg metropolitan region on an international level in the field of quantum technology and, above all, quantum computing, a long-term strategy is necessary that identifies, specifically coordinates and develops key factors of the QT ecosystem.

For this purpose, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg has identified five key factors for a strong and sustainable QT ecosystem in the long term: The development of a location profile, the promotion of research

  • Talent

    Training of specialists and young scientists, further qualification of existing personnel

  • Research

    Establish and develop research capabilities and infrastructure.

  • Industry

    Targeted user-side development, transfer and promotion of domain expertise for QT.

  • Cooperation

    Complementary collaborations between society, business and science.

  • Location Profile

    Low-threshold access to QT infrastructure and funding, policy framework, coordination, networking and outreach.


Development of the QT location Hamburg

The implementation of the five key factors into the QT ecosystem is concretized by the creation of suitable framework conditions, investments and structure-giving initiatives on behalf of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The quantum technology strategy provides for core projects that cover the five key levels and represent a focal point for innovation in the respective areas.

  • HQIC

    Hamburg Quantum Innovation Captial Initative – Development of the QT/QC ecosystem by creating an industry-wide contact, coordinator and ecosystem builder of quantum technology activities in the metropolitan region.
    [Key factor: Location Profile, Collaborations, Knowledge and Technology Transfer]

  • MIKO

    Microelectronics and Communications Technologies – Promotion of microelectronics, as a critical foundation of QT/QC, through the development of necessary chip technology by NXP and Nexperia. There are plans to establish four development centers in the areas of telecommunications (5G/6G), radar sensors for autonomous platforms, microprocessors, and cybersecurity on the part of NXP, and to expand the product line on the part of Nexperia.
    [Key Factor: Research, Industry, Collaborations]

  • HQS

    Hamburg Quantum Computing School – A graduate school – the “Hamburg Quantum Computing School” (HQS) – is being established by the UHH and TUHH in cooperation with Hamburg industry. Core elements are the education and training of highly qualified new specialists and executives, the strengthening of relevant hardware and software structures and industry-related exchange.
    [Key Factor: Research, Talent, Cooperations]

  • QSH

    Quantum Computing for Shipping and Maritime Logistics – Strengthening applied QC expertise by exploring complex and operationally relevant optimization problems from the maritime industry with the Fraunhofer Institute for Maritime Logistics & business partners.
    [Key Factor: Industry, Applied Research]

  • IFB

    IFB Funding initiative quantum computing – Within the framework of the innovation funding programs of IFB Hamburg, innovative quantum computing projects for startups as well as research and development projects will be specifically supported with a volume of 10 million euros. This is done in the funding programs InnoFounder and InnoRampup for startups, as well as in PROFI for research and development projects of existing companies in cooperation with research institutions and universities.
    [Key Factor: Industry, Applied Research]

In the long term, these projects anticipate the establishment of a “Hamburg Center for Quantum Technology”. The Hamburg Center for Quantum Computing is to become the central scientific research and training center for QT for the whole city of Hamburg. It integrates all necessary components from teaching, training, graduate school, research, application to spin-offs and outreach under one roof.


QT-Community Service

Never miss a thing in the field of quantum technology – We inform you about events, new developments in the metropolitan region and current training opportunities.