
Actors & partners from research & economy

The diverse, joint application potential of research and industry is the great strength and defining feature of quantum technology activities in the Hamburg metropolitan region: from enabling technologies, hardware and software development to application development. The metropolitan region has all relevant actors from research and industry along the value chain.


Neutral atoms and
Ion traps in focus

The QT site has two different QC hardware architectures that form the basis for full-scale development of hardware, software, applications and necessary enabling technologies at the site.

  • Rymax One – Neutral Atoms

    As part of the German government’s high-tech strategy “Quantum Technologies – from Fundamentals to Market”, the BMBF is funding the realization of quantum computer demonstration setups. Project-led by the Center for Optical Quantum Technology, a fully coherent quantum annealer, a neutral-atom architecture based on Rydberg states, is being realized together with research and industrial partners: The goal is 500 qubits by 2026 with close application orientation in logistics by consortium partners such as the Otto Group and HHLA.

  • DLR – Ion Traps

    In order to further bundle the application-related competencies of quantum technologies and to create an industrial basis for quantum technologies, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, is funding the development of a modular, scalable quantum computer based on an ion-trapped architecture together with research and industrial partners in Hamburg.



Attractive QT location: Science, industry and use cases

The realization of QC hardware architectures is embedded in a distinct QT research infrastructure and landscape on the part of science and industry in the Hamburg metropolitan region.
From the research and production of semiconductor, laser technology and integrated photonics, to the investigation of the noise of quantum algorithms and quantum error correction, to the development of novel algorithms and applications in post-quantum cryptography and maritime logistics; In the metropolitan region, the development of hardware, methods and applications in quantum computing, the research of quantum sensor technology and the investigation of quantum materials are closely intertwined.
Within the framework of the Innovation Alliance, the metropolitan region bundles its economic activities in focus industries and cluster initiatives. The central goal of networking the players from business, science and politics meshes optimally in these structures with the technology and knowledge transfer necessary for QT application development.

In addition, hqic acts and networks with leading national and international QT actors in order to position Hamburg as a QT hotspot with long-term and sustainable prospects in Germany, Europe and internationally. Within Germany, hqic is therefore in regular and complementary exchange with German QT country initiatives.


QT-Community Service

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