Quantum Computing

Use Case – Sustainability

Achieving the climate target of 1.5 degrees Celsius, as set out in the Paris Agreement, is an enormous challenge. However, quantum computers could make a critical contribution by enabling complex climate models and simulations. These models could provide detailed insights into the behavior of the climate system and help develop more effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Quantum computing may also be critical in developing greener materials and technologies by enabling the design and analysis of molecules at the atomic level. This could lead to more efficient solar cells, more powerful batteries, and improved catalysts that accelerate the transition to clean energy. (N1) That the topic of sustainability and quantum technologies has arrived in the business world is also demonstrated by the collaboration between BMW, Airbus and Quantinuum (N2) As announced this year, the companies are now jointly researching how to use quantum computing to explore advances in the topic of chemical reaction of catalysts in fuel cells.

Exploit synergies

This collaboration could exploit synergies and lead to faster and cleaner use of fuel cells in aircraft and cars. The companies want to examine how existing processes in industrial research can be combined with quantum computing methods. (N3) But also in the area of disaster prevention, quantum computers could help with complex simulation to predict earthquakes – based on seismic data – more accurately, for example. (N4)

Overall, quantum computing could help accelerate research and innovation in the fight against climate change and improve the chances of achieving the 1.5 degree target. Therefore, investing in this technology is of great importance for the future of our planet.


N1: Peter Cooper, Philipp Ernst, Dieter Kiewell, and Dickon Pinner, “Exponentially more powerful machines could make possible major reductions in emissions, putting the goal of limiting global warming within reach.”URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/quantum-computing-just-might-save-the-planet, Aufruf: 28.09.23

N2: Airbus, “BMW Group, Airbus and Quantinuum Collaborate to Fast-Track Sustainable Mobility Research Using Cutting-Edge Quantum Computers”, URL: https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2023-08-bmw-group-airbus-and-quantinuum-collaborate-to-fast-track, Aufruf: 28.09.23

N3: Bernd Reder, “BMW und Airbus nutzen Quantensystem für Forschung”, URL: https://www.cio.de/a/bmw-und-airbus-nutzen-quantensystem-fuer-forschung,3716880, Aufruf: 28.09.23

N4: di Paola, C., Plekhanov, E., Krompiec, M., Kumar, C., Du, F., Weber, D., Krauser, J. S., Shishenina, E., & Ramo, D. M. (2023). Applicability of Quantum Computing to Oxygen Reduction Reaction Simulations, URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15823, Aufruf: 28.09.23